Monday, June 11, 2007

Koko bite my bag

I'm so upset!!! Gonna throw away the bag that had only been with me for 2 weeks!!!! BooHooHoo.....

All because I forgot i placed it beside koko's cage!!!

Now it looks horrendous!!! ARGH.....

I wanna fly back to taiwan to get the bag!!!!!!! ARGH....

Saturday, June 09, 2007

An Update on my Life, if you are interesting...

Alright... I know I havent given a proper entry for ages... hmmm...

I think I have no life at the moment... Been working a lot. But in the midst of working, we had our fun too... Like cycling and ended up with thousand and one big blue black!!! (Blame it on my boss... made me go so fast that i lose control. the one fortunate thing is that i din fall and no ugly abrasion/wound. Just went for KTV and some drinking/dancing too... hmmm... i dun like the smoke.. I'm so glad that they are implementing the smoke free clubs soon!!!!

Oh!!! One big thing that's happening!! My house is in a mess!!!
I take cold shower from a hose everyday!!!!
Cuz my kitchen and bathrooms are going thru a major overhaul!!!!

Oh well, I'm working now... (feels more like an internship, because everyone there is an intern, except for my boss, even my boss is a student... ) so.... Yeap!!!

Work been great, Learned a lot, been scolded a lot, made a lot of blunders, had a lot of fun and laughter, with tears at times...

Mood just been on a rollar coaster ride...

I'm back together with Zhiwei...
(broke up with him a while ago... but I want him back!!!!! ) heehee.. -blush-

I'm going for driving soon!!!!


What a boliao entry... haiz....

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

taiwan business trip

I'm updating my blog!!! Hahahah

Fermented beancurd - i ate this everyday in taipei!!!!
Mouth stinks....

My new hairstyle - got it trimmed in taipei. quite nice hor...
that shirt was from taipei too...

My dinner on day one!!! Guo Tie!!!

Saw this in a shopping mall at the escalator. nice hor
Yeah.. back to work