Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Xmas!!!!

Reindeer's Greeting:
Merry Christmas!!!!

Cute Hor???

Just back from a 3 days overseas trip in Sentosa!! Hehee... Sentosa!!!! Can't go abroad, so shui bian a bit go Sentosa!!! It's a holiday too!!!! Heehee!!!! Whee!!! See how scenic this can get...

Mom and Dad looking at the kois!!!! but what's Mao Mao doing??!!!!

Whooooooo, God was very nice this christmas, there aint much rain, just a whole skyfull of clouds. Don't you think so? If not I will be camping in the room for 3 full days in Sentosa!!!!!

Oooo... Did you know Sentosa changed a lot??!!! and I heard there's no more musical fountain (mama is the source), so for once I din catch the musical fountain show!!! BooHooHoo!!!! I just never get sick of the musical fountain!! But i have to miss it this year!!! booHooHoo!!! But it's alright, Sentosa compensated me with the Luge Ride!!! Love it!!! Even mom and dad love it too!!! It's the 2nd time I'm on it!!! Went the moment it was open!!! I was the first one to purchase the ticket!!! Very kiasu hor!!! But hor, this is absolutely necessary, can't you imagine having to queue for half an hr before getting on the luge!!! NOoooOOoooOOo!!! Furthermore, there will soooo many tourists and fun-seekers!!!!! Even if it's a expensive $15 for a 2 rides free 1 ride Luge ride, it attracted soooo many people. Well, i reckon it's just shows the lack of fun rides in Singapore!!!!

See what pretty Deco the hotel has!!!!

Ah... I'm hungry!!!! Gonna work the whole week!!! I want a break!!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Xmas!!!

Merry Xmas!!!!!
I got my first Xmas prezzie!!! Whee!!!
From Joyce and Yanlong!!! So cute right???!!!! My magical mushroom!!!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Boycott Madonna!!!!!!

How disgusting and revoking can this get??? Madonna wearing a coat made of dead chinchilla fur!!!!!!!!!! Hate her..

Read this report from Independent Online Edition:

Madonna & the curse of chinchilla: What she should know about that coat

When she stepped outside to face the paparazzi in London last week, the singer might have known she was walking into a storm of protest about her £35,000 chinchilla coat. But could she have known the suffering that went into keeping her warm? We think she should be told, says Jonathan Owen
Published: 10 December 2006

Stepping out in London's Mayfair last week, Madonna had no reason to know she was about to walk into a new scandal. Still reeling from the row over her adoption of a baby boy from Africa, the 48-year-old, who started her career as the self-styled Material Girl of pop, was pictured smiling and happy as she left a restaurant with her husband, film producer Guy Ritchie.
But trouble was lurking. Pictures of her in a £35,000 chinchilla fur coat were flashed to newspapers and magazines around the world, provoking a storm of protest. Now animal campaigners are calling for a boycott of her music.

The coat - and thousands like it - represents the end product of a macabre trade. More than 40 animals were killed to make the latest addition to Madonna's wardrobe, but hundreds of thousands are bred on factory-style farms, then killed by strangulation or electrocution, campaigners claim.

"Madonna is showing herself up to be shallow and selfish and lacking in all compassion which, particularly in this season of goodwill, is regrettable," said Mark Glover from Respect for Animals. "The message she's sending out to her fans is contemptible and people should stop buying her albums until she stops wearing fur."

Anita Singh of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) said: "It is ironic that just weeks after struggling to prove she has a heart, adopting a child from Malawi, she comes out in support of one of the most violent industries on the planet. This is an industry responsible for bludgeoning, strangling, gassing and electrocuting small, defenceless animals for the sake of fashion.

"It is unfortunate for the millions of defenceless animals trapped on fur farms that have to suffer the horrific consequences for her vanity and that of others like her."

Chinchillas are shy, intelligent animals that can live for up to 15 years in the wild and are fast becoming one of Britain's best-loved pets. Fur farming has been banned in Britain since 2003, after heavy anti-fur campaigns in the Nineties, but chinchilla furs are still imported.
Mr Glover added: "The hypocrisy is perverse that, while the means of production is illegal, people are still able to buy and sell fur."

Photographs from an investigation by Peta depict the cruelty. Investigators got into a chinchilla farm in America (a major exporter) and saw babies taken from their mothers and put into "growing" rooms, with hundreds of chinchillas in small cages on top of each other.

Campaigners say many die from poor diets and neglect before they can be killed for their fur, and that animals often survive electrocution and are still alive when spread-eagled and skinned. Neck-breaking, described as "cervical dislocation" by furriers, and electrocution are the favoured killing methods. But a spokesman for US-based Empress Chinchilla Breeders Cooperative claimed: "Our members take better care of their chinchillas than they probably do their families. This is one pampered and cared-for animal. In the summer, they are kept in air-conditioned barns with fans for fresh air. In the winter, the barns are heated."

In Croatia, undercover investigator Jean Hubert, of the French animal welfare group One Voice, was forced to watch as a chinchilla took almost two minutes to die. "I saw a farmer electrocute a chinchilla in front of me by wiring it to a domestic power socket," he said. "It was awful. The animal kept twitching and as he was skinning it he kept prodding it to check it was dead. The animals are skinned immediately afterwards, and there will always be a proportion skinned while still alive."

The fur of the giant rodents, native to South America, is considered the softest in the world and is 30 times finer than human hair. The demand for their fur almost wiped them out and they are now endangered in the wild.

When the anti-fur movement was at its height, in the late Eighties and early Nineties, Madonna wore anti-fur T-shirts in public. But her interest soon waned and in 2001 she was pictured in a £1,000 fox fur hat. A year later, she was seen in a coat that campaigners claimed was made from the pelts of unborn lambs. Ironically, this latest scandal comes only days after Madonna announced that she will be designing clothes for H&M, a high street chain that has a policy of not using fur.

The star's long-time publicist, Barbara Charone, declined to comment but a friend, the vegetarian fashion designer Stella McCartney, said: "There's nothing fashionable about a dead animal that has been cruelly killed just because some people think it looks cool to wear."
Sales of fur clothing are up 30 per cent on two years ago, with fur products worth £40m imported every year in a market worth an estimated £500m in the UK. Figures from HM Customs and Revenue show that approximately 1,000 tons of fur are imported annually. The global market for fur is almost £7bn.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Disgusting parent

I just met the most disgusting, unreasonable, idiotic, maronic, deserves-to-go-hell parent. I'm not saying I'm racist (you know which race I'm referring to...) but they have proven to me so many times that they are capable of being the most maronic people on earth!!!

How dare she (i rather call her a "it", am i insulting the animals and non-living objects?) argue with a sick lady who is on the verge of fainting with such ridiculous stuff!!!!


Make me angry!!!!!!!

She will have her punishment/retribution one day!!! KARMA KARMA KARMA!!!!!

Friday, December 15, 2006


I'm a hot babe

I got a fever, I'm hot, I can't be stop.... lalalala....

Happen to remember this cheer from my jc. hehee.... This was the hottest cheer ever in the jc!! hhehee

Haiz... Got a shock just now when I woke up from my short nap in the middle of the night! I CAN'T SLEEP!!! Freak I hate not being able to sleep, how can they take away my precious sleep time!!!!!!!!! Eeeeeeek... Anyway, I was talking about the shock. I woke up with a 38.3 degrees celsius fever!!! WTH!!! and I still thought my fever has subsided!!!! But it's kinda weird, cuz when I touched myself, i feel normal. hehee....

Anyway, as a professional Nurse (i wonder since when, heehee), I took a pail and ice water and a towel and start soaking myself on the forehead and all my joints (daddy teach one, he used to be from medi, and I got the experience from taking care of zhiwei that time). Manz, I feeling hot, i can feel the perspiration coming!! Quick come, then i can go sleep soonz!!! hahahhaha

Should I go to work tomorrow. I want earn money!!! I'm soooo Poor.. but it will be bad if I go out and pass the disgusting germs to others... Maybe I can buy a mask later. And I wanna go with Zhiwei to the hospital to get his corns removed!!! How??? Feign that nothing happen at night. Anyway, one sleepless night won't make me a zombie, i reckon!!! hehehe

Haiz.. Hope Joyce is alright... Hope we did not pass the germs to each other. But it's alright, she has her darling to take good care of her.. hehehehe!!!!

I'm sooo proud of myself.

Sick again

Manz, it's 0059, and I have been tossing and turning in bed since 2300. God, let me sleep please... Please...

-feeling miserable-

Monday, December 11, 2006

ikoi photos


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--- the half eaten table of food---

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----Pretty girls----

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-----Our Lovey Dovey Darling Love Birds No. 1-----

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--- What a disgusting looking bean---

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---This soup is not for drinking, it's for dumping of unwanted stuff---

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----A little small soba----

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----Fish broken into 2----

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---- Please pay attention to Joyce's tongue----
Do not look at her pimple, I haven't had time to erase it.
I'm sorry, Joyce, i told them to look at your tongue le...

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---Happy Vivien---

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xxx Love birds No. 3?? NO NO NO xxx

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----My fish, Slurp---

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----Choo giving a stare-what-stare look----

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---- I want food----

----Darling love birds No. 2----

------Choo with a satisfied look-----

---- The "Delicious" Curry Beef Rice----

Joyce and I under the Xmas tree
----Happy Xmas----

Joyce taking a photo of me, and I took a picture of joyce


Fake Agnes B

Eeeeek.. Mom just told me that there is a imitation of my Agnes b bag in one of the neighbourhood Store!!!

Eeeeek.. They are damn gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even put the label there!!!! I hate them!!!!!

100 dollars over bag they also want to imitate!!! go imitate more LV and gucci la!!!! Disgusting!!!

Hate them Hate them!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Fruits Basket!!!

Fruits basket anime
フルーツバスケット, Furūtsu Basuketto

Love it Love it!!!

-shall upload ikoi pix soon-

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Caught a cold

Sniff Sniff Sniff.. I can't breathe!!!! Boohoohoo!!!!
What an inopportune time to catch a cold, let's just wish the cold will recover by Saturday. I dun wanna go to exam with a blocked nose/runny nose, fever and stupid sore throat. Eeeek....

I feel like sleeping, but i got to persever with my international econs!!!

The textbook is so boring... Yawn...

Sniff Sniff Sniff.. Tissue pls..

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Videos of chinchilla

Baby Chinchilla!!! So cute!!!!

This one cute too!!!


L'amour has got their new collection out!!
But to my disappointment, this collection is too winterly, and I dun like it.

Saw this jacket, thought it's nice, but you know I wun buy it!!!

I'm sooo poor.......

I'm saving the money for iKoi and KTV!!!! Do not tempt me!!!! (When shall we go shopping?? I dun wanna go window shopping!!! Boohoohoo!!!)

Folks, when are we going KTV?

Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Feet!!!!!

Whee!!!!!!!!!! Finally caught Happy Feet with zhiwei, sis and mel yesterday!! Double Date leh!!! ahhahahaaha.... Got car sit, no need stand in the always-so-crowded-and-have-to-look-out-for-needy-ppl-when-sitting-down-if-not-very-guilty MRT. Heehee.....

Back to Happy Feet:
You know what, the best character in the show are the 5 smaller penguins, cuz they stand by friends, unlike the other emperor penguins (minus the mom), even gloria was a bit irritating at times!!!!
Conclusion I love AMIGO (Size may be daunting, do not be afraid, I love you)
Mumble is cute too, but only when he's a baby. I love baby penguins!!!
But, watching the show from an adult's view, the ending of the show is pretty flawed! But well, it's not gonna be easy to end the show with such storyline, so it shall be pardoned!

Anyway, wat's with environmental education recently. We got the "inconvenient truth" by Al Gore and now Happy Feet for the kids.

Nay.. Cant be bothered... Penguins are sooooooo Cute!!!!!!!!! Love Penguins!!!!!!!!!!!



Mom's bday!!!!!

Took a trip down to colliers on friday to celebrate Cat's bday!!! and celebrated mom's bday after that too!!! What a coincidence right? But mom's bday supposed to be saturday, but mel got wedding to attend to, so we decided to do it on friday! heee...

Cat's Bday
(I wonder where all the guys are???)

Mom's bday

The restaurant pretty right??? The food and the service are excellent too!!! Good place to go!!! heehee... The waitress even offered sis and I a shawl cuz the place is freeeeezing... So sweet!

Introducing the Food!!!

The fish is really really good. Give it a rating of 4.5/5. The best part about the fish was the paste. I have no idea what it's made of. hmmm...

The beans are nice, but normal!. Rating 4/5

That ball thing with the spring onions inside is good too!!! Since i dun like spring onions, give it a 4/5 rating. But the taste of the spring onions are not overwhelming! So if dun like spring onions, can still eat it!

Aiya, forgot to post the deer meat pix inside.. Let me go find....
Tada... The deer meat NIce Nice!!! rating: 4/5

The rest are nice too!!! but the above ones are the nicer one!!! hehehe...

Anyway, let's talk about my cooking now!!! hahahah... Sis and I made pancakes on Saturday (Sis's idea, of course not mine!) And it's yummy!!!!!!! I got help also!!!!!

Nice hor!!! it taste heavenly!! I give it 5/5 rating when maple syrup is added in!! i got help so rating is full marks!!! hahhaa.. Maybe I'm a prodigy in cooking!!!!! Hahahaahahaha!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

happy feet!!!

I wanna watch Happy Feet!!!!! Joyce!!! Bring me with you today!!!! Yanlong needs to study!!!! heeeeheee....
Penguins are so cute (i'm not talking about you sis).. Muackz to penguins!!!


Finally, I went to Vivo City!!! I love it there. Just that it's a tad far... haiz...
Anyway, you know what!!! there's this very cute shop called the Mother Garden!!! The stuff in there are soooooo cute that I almost dig into my burnt pockets!!! hehe... Luckily, i din...

Oh... recently, i got this thing for lingerie, panties and pyjamas, so there I was in La Senza, while waiting for zhiwei, and I saw this really really really cute pyjamas!!!!! It's for the Xmas season, with a lot of reindeers on it.. But guess how much it bloody cost!!!! $55.00!!!!! Manz...
Can't find the pix on la senza website.. but i found this. I adore it too!! I got the matching panties!!! It's only $30 (expensive but compared to that $55.00!!!)... Ooooo... But not worth it for a pyjamas right... Sigh....

Sunday, November 19, 2006

koko horny

I have a very horny pet, named Koko.
He tries to hump my hand every morning, sometimes he will scratch my hand. Ouch...
He has a gf named Hamtaro Slipper... He humps it since it's the only thing that doesn't shake him away...
Sometimes he targets the male characters in my home too, i.e. Papa, Zhiwei and mel mel.
On rare sightings, you may catch him masturbating... Eeeeek....

Therefore, given his "horniness, I came to a conclusion when I saw this photo...

I think I can read what's going on in his puny head:

new slipper!!!

My giraffe slippers stink!!! and mama is washing it for me.. BooHooHoo... Well you see, it's obvious that it's definitely not my foot that stink up the slipper... (My feet smells soooo good, wanna smell).... So it left only Zhiwei, cuz he's been wearing my slipper ever since he has a lot of big big warts on his feet... Poor thing...

So that will means i can't wear my giraffe slipper till it's disinfected and odour removed... But looks like Zhiwei has been eyeing my giraffe slipper for a long long while so he got me a new pair of slipper!!!

Whee!!! I got a pair of NEW MOOMOO slipper!!!! Heehee... Aint it cute, see it's sticking its tongue out!!!! But i still loves my giraffe slipper... BoohooHooo.....

Heehee... Anyway, before that we went to kenny rogers!!! and of course took some pix!!!! Let you drool a bit!!! Sometimes i wonder why... You see everyone's table has the cheese maroroni (how to spell) side dish, but i kinda think it tastes awful.. I like my grated garlic potato.. Yummy!!! Smell mY breath!!! HAAAAA..... Anyway, I came to a conclusion after eating Cheese toufo and think it sux too - Me dun like Cheese!!! But i like milk!!! hehee... Milky!!!!

A closer Look.. Yummy...

I got to admit we were a bit boliao..
I look different....

Marina Square interior christmas decoration???

I like this pix... Heehee...

Friday, November 17, 2006

nothing to blog crisis

I'm in a nothing-to-blog crisis!!!

Bonta Kun Back in action

Full Metal Panic Rox!!!!
Bonta Kun Rox!!!!!
Sousoke Rox!!!!!
Yanlong and Joyce are hooked too!!!!
the power of Bonta Kun!!!!!!
Fumo Fumo Fumo Fumo....
P/S: this entry is damn boliao

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Clothes 2

Love this too!!!!!!
Which one shd i get???


I like the top!!!!!!!! WHEE!!! I WANT BUY!!!!!

Should i get the yellow pullover??
the shorts nice hor!!!!!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hectic Week, in need of sleep

It has been one hectic week, but soon it'll be over, or is that wishful thinking...

1 more project to clear, 2 more final quizzes, 1 more homework, 1 exam...
and when all that end, i shall enjoy my holiday.

Is that the bed?

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Koko leaping off the ground

Be awed by the beauty of Koko as he leaps off the ground...
Photographer: Eng Woei Lin
Photo Editor : Eng Woei Lin
Model : Koko
P/S: Please do not stare at or even "fantasize" about groping Koko's balls. He will feel offended and hump you!!
I'm not kidding...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I have a pig sister