Sunday, May 07, 2006

Back breaking Job...

I know it sounds as though my internship is like coolie job... heehee...

But back-breaking is no exaggeration!!! Boohoohoo... I'm suffering from back ache everyday. It bugs me everyday, every minute, every second. I'm no different from an old woman now!!!

I'm fidgeting in my seats... searching for the most comfortable position, in other ways, a posture that won't make my back ache as much.

Anyway, watched Mission Impossible 3 yesterday. Let me see, I will give it a rating of 3.5/5.
Basically, it's not a fabulous film. Why? (My giraffe shoe just got stuck in the chair, I'm trying to pull it out, because my foot is in it. Shucks... Big giraffe mouth is obstructing the way) Anyway, I don't fancy Tom Cruise, so he will not add any points to the show; the show is lengthy, my back was screaming in agony; the story line is typical, the seemingly good guy is the bad guy, the seemingly bad guy is the good guy (Oh No.. Anyone of you intending to watch it?? Too bad... =p). The only thing that gives it a passing rating is Maggie Q!!! She's Hot!!! haha.... (the guys in my company are crazy over her)

My back is breaking...

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