Saturday, April 29, 2006

A Little Girl at Heart Flaunting her Assets

Finally.. I met Geelian again!!! Haven't met her for ages, and guess what.. she's attached again. heehee.. Anyway, she's my best secondary school friends. I have sucky secondary school mates, so she's my saviour. Without her, I will go bonky and pull everyone hair out.. Anyway, we went KTV once again!! and I finally have my hair trimmed, the fringe looks weird. I LOOK SO AWFUL NOW, with my weird FRINGE!! Arrrrr.... So no Pix No Pix.. Arrrr...

Bumped into 2 Prudential guys yesterday, what lame pick-up lines they have... "Are you from NYP?"
WTF! Do I look as though I'm still a poly kid. Bloody Hell!!!! Kick them in their balls!! But, the guy that spoke to me was pretty cute, he got cute eyes. *grin*And he's from the SAME SECONDARY school as me!!! What a coincidence! The funny thing is Prudential Guy did not tell me anything about Savings Plan! Surprise!!

Anyway, was snapping pictures around my room, and I found my Long-Lost Soft Toy!! My Most Most Most Most Beloved Soft-toy!!! It's Pom Pom Purin from Sanrio !!! I got 2!!! One Big one and one smaller one! Both are my Birthday Present, the small one from my beloved Jasmine on my 13th Birthday and the big one from Vivian and Peck Shan on my 14th Birthday.

Note the color difference!(if you can...) I hugged the small one so often, that the color faded and it looks like Ah-ma.

-No longer Available in Singapore-


Here's More of my Soft-toys! I love Soft-toys! I planning to have a corner all packed with softtoys in my house next time. Have a nice cushion and read my book... Haha...

LAdy Bug belongs to Sis and Giraffe is mine! I love My Giraffe - Hug him almost every night!

As for the other nights, it will be either the 2 below:

I love My fake Carebear and My Nici Polar Bear (PoPo)!! It's Huge! Zhiwei Bought it for me, knowing that I love it like hell!! and it's bloody expensive!!!

That's Domo Domo - My sis friend got it for her from Japan!! heehee.. Carebear from my Boyfriend to wish me Luck . So sweet. Eeyore- mama buy one. haha...

My whole shelf of soft-toys.There's more tucked away...

Yep Yep! That's SpongeBob SquarePants!!! Heehee... The retarded SpongeBob... Can't remember who gave it to sis, it's sitting on top of my mirror...

That's my favourite Frog!!! It's called Wawa!! Check out the flower on his cheek!! Haha.. make it look retarded! It's Limited Edition!!!

Monday, April 24, 2006


I can't publish my previous Blog.. Spooky..

While waiting for my blog to be published, I was reading Blinkymummy blog, and found the link to Colinandkero blog. Spooky... I had wanted to view their blog after Yanlong's little commendation on it.

Indeed, it's out of the ordinary and I applaud them for their courage for publishing it given the presence of discrimination for sexual preference in Singapore. They'd showed us some insights into homosexuals.

-----My mantra: "Judge not, for you be not judged"-----
Anyway, Singapore drama romance sux. What a way to propose. Or that is just how Singaporean guys propose!!! "Let's buy a house!!" Fuck!! I die die don't want such proposal. Zhiwei, if you ever propose to them like that, I will act blur and reject you!!! Bleah... I still want my fullerton wedding at the pool with the live band... Wooohooo...
Anyway, i was backing up my laptop, guess what I found...

This shall be it for now.. Cute? The pig is copied from my favorite "Pearl Before Swine" Comic. The rat throwing away the book was created out of frustration from studying...

Ooo.. Shooting scene on TV!!!
Got this from Heritage
Oh.. How Flattering...

Actually, I see no resemblance...


Happy Weekend...

Looks like I haven't blog for quite a while... But a few days aint too much right, furthermore, I had the snoring entry. I was too sleepy after the various activities this weekend.

For the past week, I played the most Mahjong in all my Life!!! I Love Mahjong! Ain't Mahjong Fabulous!!! Everyone should know how to play Mahjong.

You see, Mahjong is:
1. Good for the brain, it prevents you from getting senile.
2. It's good for socializing and catching up with friends
3. You get to pat the superstitious shoulder and watch their agonising scream. (You know who I am referring to)
4. Money money Money - it's good time to earn some bucks
5. If you are pissed with anyone, the girls can always use their nails to poke people when they are dry swimming...
6. You get to piss people off. Haha...

See.. there's so much good in Mahjong!!! I should have learnt it earlier!!! BTW, I won Money!!! Beginner's luck is always good!!! haha...

By the way, Went for My sis's company's cocktail Party!! It's at Fullerton!!! Whee!!! Fullerton is gorgeous!! I want to get married there, can?? Pay was superb!! 5 hrs for $100. Sis, More cocktail party please!!! Anyway, kapo a lot of flowers!!!

Isn't this flowers nice?? (They just went down the chute, btw)

I love the blue flowers, Jess says I look like the bride holding that...

I love the sunflowers too.

One of the sunflowers was rejected by Shawn, so i took it home with me ..

(left to right) Jasmine, Me, Jess, Sister, Shuxian

I look like a bride right. I'm getting Married!!! Where's the bridegroom???

---------News: Guy still alive even with 12 nails in his head!! (gasp)--------

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Snort snort....

I'm so Sleepy...........

Shall Blog another day....


Thursday, April 20, 2006

Am I on the top of your Mind?

Do you think of me as often as I do???

I miss my friend. She's my best best friend. Kept her photo in my wallet with my boyfriend. I love her so much... But I wonder whether she regards me in the same manner....

Can we go back to our old days????? I doubt so... Life has to move on.. She has her own life, her own friends, while I have mine.

We can't meet as often as we want!! Though I really want to meet her... We don't know what we can do together, unlike before when we can do all the mindless stupid things together...

What is growing up?

I wanna see her! I wanna meet her!! I wanna tell her how much I love her...

But I can't... I cannot apprehend...


Wednesday, April 19, 2006


The loving Couple


Joyce enjoying with the Mike!!! haha...

Tian yun and his cranky smile

Whee.... In dilemma...

Whee.. I'm just back from KTV!!! Whee!!!! But there was only Choo, Yanlong, Joyce and Me... But it was fabulous and real fun to be screaming away and 走音ing away. Haha.. Yanlong has the Best 走音 voice... I wonder whether I have the video.. may load it up onto youtube. See how my mood goes....

Later then upload pix... haha... it's so dark...

How... How.... How... Should I go to Nines??!!! I'm in a big dilemma...

Devil: Go Go Go Have Fun!! You deserve it!!!
Angel: Don't listen to that red horny little man! Don't go... Your toe is injured! Don't cramp your toe into the boots, it will get infected!!!!!! Plus You need to help Your Sis!!!
Devil: But all your friends are going!!!
Angel: Toe is important!!!! You wouldn't want to hurt your toe again right?
Devil: Stupid Angel!
Angel: Stupid Devil!!
Angel and Demon Fought.. and went to the hospital.. Woeilin have not solve her dilemma.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

CAT result is out!!


Guess what I got?!! I got A-!!!!
Yippee!!! That's good right... I'm expecting a B/B+. So that's good news!!!

Is it Fate I have to know my Marketing Result?

I think it's Fate that I can't escape from my Marketing Quiz 3.

You see yesterday when I was out with Gab:
Me: Why are you in school?
Gab: Oh... Went to grab my Marketing Quiz.
Me: Oooo.. That rings a bell somewhere in my head...
(Oh shucks.. Marketing Quiz Result is back. The one I have no idea how to do)

So Gab asked whether I wanna get it back, he could go with me.

You see, I really do not want to know my result!! Call it Self-denial! Wouldn't it be good not to know about it. It's not going to make a difference to my grades whether I know the result of the Marketing Quiz or not! So My decision is heck care. Let Michelle throw it down the rubbish chute!!!

I was pretty happy with my decision, you see! I will never have to see my Marketign Quiz!!!

Whee!!!!!! Whee!!!!

So i went Home happily, on my laptop, did a bit of research on Colliers. Gonna have an interview tomorrow.

So you see my MSN was on, and out comes Jialing's msg!!
"Yoz... I got your marketing Quiz back for you guys!!!" You see, I successfully chuck it into space, and all of a sudden that piece of memory got sucked back into my memory!!!"

Shucks!!! Luckily when I saw the Msg, she has gone offline. So I'm happy again.
Whee Whee!!!!!


This Morning, I saw the email Jialing sent to show us our grades. I know I should have just click Shift-Del. But I didn't.

And I saw My grades!!! Boohoohoo!!!!


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Lizard Shifted its position. Do not drop please...

It's a good day!! I love Sunday!!! Sundays are always so lazy, with the rainy weather, it was simply perfect!!!

Went to Bishan today with Mom and Sis for Mos Burger! and I bought a pair of shoes!!!

It was pretty hilarious how I got the shoes!! I have shopping bags from grocery shopping with mom and sis all over my hands, and I walked into charles and keith. And there it was, the shoes I know I have to buy the moment I set my eyes on it! So I took it down, and to my despair, the one that was on display was for the right foot!! and how on earth can I try the shoes with my big bandaged toe!! The sales man beside me looks like he really wished that he could helped, but I bet he must be thinking, "this girl is crazy, how to try on that shoe with that big bandaged toe!!

So I thought of a good idea. I ran to Mom and get her to try on the shoes for me! I think the salesman was trying hard not to laugh. and Mom was exclaiming how high the heels was and pointing to my toe, and how small the shoe was. heehee... But i make her squeeze inside the shoes to tell me whether it's comfortable.

Finally the trying-hard-not-to-laugh salesman came decide to come forward and offered to let me try the shoes with my left foot. So nice of him! So, I only get to see the shoes on my left foot. And I haven't tried on the right side yet! I hope it fits!!! Bloody Toe!!!

Anyway, I kicked into the hard chair again today. That's Bloody Painful - Fell onto the floor and starts crying. I wonder how my toe is going to recover with me walking around like that...

I wanna go shopping!!!!!! Bloody Toe!

But the new shoes made my day!!! Nothing gonna spoil it!!!

Alert Alert for Contact Lenses User

Poof... This is scary... I just read this from the Sunday's Times that contact lenses if not cleansed properly will cause you to develop some kind of fungus, and if it is serious may cause blindness. But the worst is there's no way to fully clean your contact lenses to be absolutely safe... Ewww... Ain't this scary? Gosh.. Thank God that I do not have to wear it!

So that's the price for beauty?!! Maybe we should all think about it... Blindness!!! Eww... ... I can't imagine that...

*I just bang my toe against the adaptor* *ouch*

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Victoria Secrets Top

Oh no.. Which one should I buy?? I like 3 and 4!!!

:: In pain ::

Boohoohoo... I got a bandaged toe, and Stomach Cramp!!! Boohoohoo... What a bad day!!!! Boohoohoo...

The world should be grateful to the women... With all the sacrifices women have given for the world population - all the stomach cramps we have to tolerate every month, the aching butt, the mood swings, all others Pre-menstrual symptoms, and the heavy burden on us if we were pregnant!!

And the men are not giving up seats to pregnant women on the train and bus! Come to think about it, it's usually the women who gives up seat to the more needy people. Where has all the chivalry and gentlemanness gone to? (I have to admit there's still some around)

Boohoohoo... Too painful to do anything else!!!
Even my legs are aching! I think I will go to bed!!!! Boohoohoo...

Our 2nd Anniversary and My Poor Toe

When the clock strikes 12, it spells the end of our 2nd Anniversary!!!!
and... the end of our 2nd anniversary means that we are stepping into our 3rd Year, then our 4th year... and our 10th year and 100th year, I wonder whether we will still be living by then. But we can continue in heaven!! so that will be 10000th year, and more... haha... Yippee Yippee!!!

So guess what I made for Zhiwei for our 2nd Anniversary!!! I made something edible for him. Nope !! Not a cake, not cookie, not brownie either... In fact, it's chocolate-coated Strawberry!!! Yippee!!! My first successful home-made edible gift!!! Well, there's a bit of history into the first successful food, let's not delve into it. Although I have to confess I'm not a good cook. Perhaps I have to say I'm not cut out to be a cook at all. You see, I actually set fire on the wok before and all the food I cooked sux... Except for the strawberries i made. But I made a mistake though - i left it in the freezer and forgot to take it out and put it on the lower deck. But look that's not a big issue, I can always take it out and place it on the lower deck again, right? Everything was fine except that the strawberry got a bit soggy!!!

But i have to say you have to applause me for it. I managed to get the water pan out!!! Spent $30 bucks on wares, and ingredients. It'd better work!!! I took a picture of it.

It looks good, right? Ain't the border nice? I took it off from the disney princess webpage. Hope they don't sue me!! I give them credits, can??!!! THE BORDER ARE FROM DISNEY!!! Oh well, some of the strawberries looked pretty hideous!! But as long as they taste well, who cares about the appearance, right? It's not the appearance that counts, it's the thought! The thought!!!Furthermore, they're from a 1st-timer. That's very good result - there's even some really pretty one - the ones on the left!!! *Clap Clap*

Anyway, took a few pictures of our dinner!!! There you go...

I love my Boyfriend!!!! *blush*

I paste the 2 pictures together. So it may look a bit weird!! heehee...

Fish & Co. has a new fish bone coaster!!! Isn't it cute??!!! Zhiwei was so fascinated with it, and kept on playing with it... What a boy he is, at times. I love the Coaster too!!!! I so wanted to take it home with me!!!!! I wonder whether they sell it!! LOL!

Anyway, so that's where we went! I had New York Fish and Chips and Zhiwei had Salmon with a weird but good-tasting sauce!! They were good!!! Yummy!!! After that, we went shopping, wanna go try out the polo tee I wanted to buy for him, too bad DFS does not have a wide range of polo tees. They have the ones with pocket though - fussy zhiwei wants w/o pocket. But that was pretty good taste, the pocket ones is simply too uncle!! heehee...

Oh.. I was so upset!! We were intending to take neoprints to commemorate our 2nd anniversary, but the shops were CLOSED!!! Oh damnz.... Furthermore, it's time to compare how much zhiwei has grown... haha... (he looks bigger in every consecutive neoprints! haha... - I'm so evil!!!)

Anyway, i think it's retribution for having such evil thoughts! Thinking about it now, I pretty sure it is retribution!! Oh no... By the way, this is what happen - My toe nail is going to be gone! My toe was bleeding!! There's still dried blood on my toe!!! It still bleeds at times!! I got a big bandage on my toe!!! Boohoohoo!!!!! Look at my toe... It's so painful!!!!

Did you see the blood on my toe??!! That's after the bleeding stopped!! There was so much blood oozing out... I'd never see so much blood on my toe before. Boohoohoo!!!! And it still hurts a lot and the worst thing is that I will have to skip my aerobics tomorrow!!! Boohoohoo! I'm fat!!! Should I go? Should I go? I so want to go!!! I love aerobics classes! Maybe my toe will not hurt so much tomorrow. Maybe I can go, and if it hurts too much, i can stop!! hmmm.. that's sounds good!!!

Anyway, my boyfriend wanted to do the bandage for me the first time, but I wouldn't let him touch it, cuz he put so much pressure on it and I had to keep screaming at him to lessen the pressure. So eventually he left me to do it on my own. Well, he taught me how to. You see, I only know how to dress abrasion wounds, cuz I always fall down! and I'm really good at it. Used to help my dad dress his horrible 1 inch deep wound! It was revoking!!! I don't wanna think about it!!!

Let's end off with something happier!!! My boyfriend stayed over at my house yesterday, and I made him bring the cow I bought for him. They look so cute together!!!! Oh well, Good Night!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I did a photo of my family, koko, and Zhiwei... It's at the side... But it's so small... Boohoohoo...
Let's have the big version here!!! Whee!!!!

No More Exams!!!

Whee... Exams are finally Over! It's time for Celebration. So what am i gonna do? Hmm... Maybe I should start having plans lining up... Whee.. It's so exciting... hmmm... In fact, i'm not that excited ... Kinda in a loss right now... I don't know what i should be doing... Oh manz... this is depressing? Boohoohoo.....

hmmm.... what should i do now? Didn't I say I wanna design my mirror, and change my blogskin, and draw more pictures, buy more stained glass paint, watch all the VCD and all the shows I have been missing out, tidy my room, declutter my table and my wardrobe, make a gift for my boyfriend, etc..

Well... Maybe I can work from this list... Let's see...

1. Designing my Mirror - I don't have nice paint, plus I'm not really in the mood for designing... So maybe I will consider this next time... (Another Day..)

2. Change My blog skin - That's finished. Isn't it pretty? heehee... I kinda like it.. In fact, I have a lot of choices, but they are a bit too small... Very fanciful though.. I like one that has this huge rainbow over it... But the entry part is so small.. I just don't like it... (done)

3. Draw more pictures - No mood! Maybe I can start posting my pictures up onto blog.. I just drew the banner. Cute? Got the pictures from Sanrio! So I make a border, added some flowers and words... (can be considered)

4. I'm lazy to go on with the list... Shall I go search for more pictures???

A little Quiz I took On relationship...

I took a little quiz on relationship, plucked it off from Ash's blog... heehee... Anyway, I have no idea what the result mean.. I think they are more of saying.... Are you after lust or love? With all the questions like... Do you love to be touched?? Oh Come on... That's so obvious right? Of course I prefer things like spending quality time, going down for walk, then touching each other. Just imagine that... That's not a proper survey anyway... Furthermore, they have options that I so wanted to click on both. Like this: I appreciate the many things you do for me and I like receiving gifts from you... I wanna choose both, but they only allowed to choose one. Therefore, left with no choice, of course, i chose appreciation for things you do to me... (i have to admit that i love gifts too... But that will make the survey think i'm materialistic - but come on... Everyone loves a gift! Who doesn't!??? Maybe i should have choosen the option... But still Appreciation slants more to a quality-relationship....

Oh Man.... Friday is coming soon. What should I make for my boyfriend???

Here's the result :

The Five Love Languages

My primary love language is probably
Acts of Service
with a secondary love language being
Quality Time.

Complete set of results

Acts of Service: 10
Quality Time: 8
Physical Touch: 5
Receiving Gifts: 4
Words of Affirmation: 3


Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.

Take the quiz

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Post-Ethics Trauma

I'm back from Ethics Exam. Oh no.. I'm going to bury my head and sob my life away... Pulle is so mean... He's a big Meano!!! How could he do this to us?? Boohoohoo.... He... He make us write 6 questions in 2 hours, which is equivalent to 20 minutes per question. We weren't even entitled to have some minutes to think about it... My hands are breaking. This is so depressing. Boohoohoo... I wanna get something to cheer me up... And my stomach is groaning away. Mama is frying something in the kitchen... I can see this trail of aroma floating into my room and into my nose... Hmmm... it smells yummy... Groan Groan Groan....

It's 1835, I made myself a promise in the morning that i will start studying for International Finance at 1730. and it's 1835, well, think about it, i do deserve a break after the long long torment from Ethics right. Maybe i should start after dinner. Yummy....

On my way home, I saw this girl in NJC uniform... I started recalling me in NJC uniform. It was such a fun time, wearing the uniform... I actually look pretty good in it, I think... Oh... Maybe i should pluck out some old photos and post it online one day... It will be fun, right?? haha... But let's wait till tomorrow..

Tomorrow is the end of my Term 2 Exam period. All my friends are still having their papers till next week. boohoohoo.. No one plays with me... Who can i call out? Oh... Nicholas has been wanting to meet me. And of course, there's Jasmine... Time for some milk shakes.. But i'm broke.. And Zhiwei and my 2nd anniversary is this friday... I promise him a Rauph Lauren Polo Tee, there goes my money again... But it's anniversary, the money spent is worth it. I wanna start a photo album with him... All our neoprints, our movie studs (i hope he still keeps them), all our sweet moments. Wouldn't that be fun!!!??? Yeah....

By the way, I got some bug fixed!!! Like the taggy!!! hahaa... Spent the whole half an hr on it... My HTML skills are getting rusty.... Time to apply lubricants.... Haha....

Time for Dinner. Yummy.... Byebye


It's 5 minutes to 1300. How dreadful can this get. In an hour's time, i will be crying and sobbing away. I can't say I'm prepared for the Ethics Exam.... and of course, needless to say, I dread going to exam. By the way, who loves exam? Well, in fact, someone just popped into my head... Freaky... Tianyun loves exam. That just brings me to the point/conclusion right.... Tianyun is masochistic... Oh... Maybe he loves wax on his hand. Whip. Handcuffs. Oh.. Tianyun is dangerous...

The clock just got dong dong dong... oh... It's like Cinderella. The most hated moment.. Where she has to leave her beloved prince... Will i drop my shoes like her... and have a prince charming come looking for me... Opps... I think that's a bit far fetched

Oh well.. Time to head down to school...

Monday, April 10, 2006

Ethics is Lullaby

It's only Ethics Exam tomorrow. What's there to fret, right? Of course there's nothing to be afraid of, speaking of it, i'm quite an ethical person. Furthermore, I had been paying attention to my dear Austin Pullen speak in class, right? hmmm... I think so, except for that once or twice I was on MSN, and a couple of times on newgrounds...

However, you see, i can multi-task, so that will make up the slight distraction from my laptop. Seminars can be boring sometimes, doesn't everyone agree to that? Sometimes you will even fall asleep in the midst of a seminar, and i had not fallen asleep in Pullen class before, not once. Well, maybe cuz he looks pretty scary initially. Come to think of it, he's not that scary anymore, he kinda look like a grandfather sometimes, with the few jokes he tried to crack in those last few lessons. In fact, he's quite a nice chap, always smiling when you go up personally to ask him questions.

Sorry for that teeny weeny bit of digression... Ethics exam is tomorrow, and i've only started on it this morning, minus the numerous break i took. But my progress is pretty good. I'm typing notes on my laptop, and it looks good - Sexual Harassment is next on the list! Ooooo... Ain't that one of the most interesting thing. But the one bad thing is that i only have one short article on it, and nothing else. Oh no...

I smell mummy's cooking and my saliva is fighting hard to stay inside my mouth. Swallow woeilin, swallow....

I'm Hungry!!!!

Sunday, April 09, 2006


"You're supposed to be holding up your pen and looking at some piece of paper that says "International Finance"".
"I think your exam is in 2 days time?!!"
"Have you study Ethics yet?"

Oh well, there's one whole pile of paper on my table, neatly staked on one corner... There's pen, liquid paper, foolscapes... Oh.. what's this.. A glitter glue... Oh ya.. I have been painting the mirror quite a bit... and drawing on my drawing sketch book... I got this new ugly looking character out... It wasn't supposed to be a character... but i was simply drawing and drawing.. and kinda see a face there... So what i did was that i added 2 eyebrows, a frown, a slanted mouth and a tear forming on the left eye..
Oh there you go.. this is how it looks like... I added blue blackground to it for fun... It looks distorted, right?

Wanna check out my Mirror too... I been painting butterflies on it and flowers!!! haaha... I wanna paint more things.. but mom been screaming at me... What was she saying?? I think it was something about overcrowding the mirror and something else... Was it about exams???

Oh exams... Speaking of exams... While waiting for the picture to load, i did 2 questions from the exercise Prof gave us for International Finance, I'm starting to doubt whether i should finish the whole paper.. the 2 questions were almost like asking you what is 1+1, as long as you have the formula, chuck it in and you will get it... WTH...

Oh that's the butterfly on my mirror... It doesn't look good here. What a pity... Oh and that's my lamp!! haha.... Anyway, the butterfly has glitter on it... Nice Nice glitter. Maybe i should get some more stain glass paint and start designing my mirror..

Btw, have i ever mentioned that this mirror make me look slim!!! Oh I simply adore it!!!

My phone is ringing... Opps Boyfriend is here..


Thursday, April 06, 2006

I'm back with another post, finally... Gone is the hectic week, yet welcoming me is another bloody busy week. Argh... Why can't it just stop??? I need to breathe you know. Well, at least i got to breathe for the last few days...

Marketing presentation is finally over. I think we did fairly well, and i'm so proud of my designing work. It's so girly, pinkish and so full of sparkles and butterfly... My photoshop skill is improving! I love Photoshop!! Shall go for indesign the next round! Oh ya, and my Flash... I must master the actionscript!!! Oh well, that shall be my aim for the hols...

Wanna check out what i drew for my marketing project... check this out...

The color is distorted!! I wonder why... Oh I do not want to place it here.. it just ruin everything...

let's try the next picture... maybe it will look better??? i hope so...

Anyway, we bought bubbles for our presentation, too bad they weren't daring enough to blow it all out.. and i was presenting... and someone took my bubbles away from me that i could not blow it when i want to... SObz....

But we have to thank Jialing for disfiguring herself with makeup for the sake of the project. SHe looks so funny. I can't stop laughing still.. haha...

Ain't this nice.. It supposed to say Metamorphosis and all my team members name. but i wanna customise it to put photos in... haha... I love this... haha.. So sweet...

Let's end here about my marketing project.

Anyway, went for swimming with yanlong, tianyun and joyce yesterday!! We went to the jurong one! haha .. It was soooo fun... I cut my foot though when jumping into the lazy river.. and i saw a disgusting huge dead insect in the water... yew... it's sending a chill down my spine just by recalling... Eeeee.....

My foot wound still bleeds and it's so painful to walk on.. and i think i injured my right knee... wonder whether it's rheumatism.. but i looks slightly swollen.. heck it...

Haha.. you know the floats?? We string them together into one person... Yanlong and his weird idea.. but it was so funny... like a shellfish... and we looks retarded!!!

It's was fun.. and everyone got a sunburnt!!! and no one is studying for exam.. That's the best part

i hate to study....

got to go ....