Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Is it Fate I have to know my Marketing Result?

I think it's Fate that I can't escape from my Marketing Quiz 3.

You see yesterday when I was out with Gab:
Me: Why are you in school?
Gab: Oh... Went to grab my Marketing Quiz.
Me: Oooo.. That rings a bell somewhere in my head...
(Oh shucks.. Marketing Quiz Result is back. The one I have no idea how to do)

So Gab asked whether I wanna get it back, he could go with me.

You see, I really do not want to know my result!! Call it Self-denial! Wouldn't it be good not to know about it. It's not going to make a difference to my grades whether I know the result of the Marketing Quiz or not! So My decision is heck care. Let Michelle throw it down the rubbish chute!!!

I was pretty happy with my decision, you see! I will never have to see my Marketign Quiz!!!

Whee!!!!!! Whee!!!!

So i went Home happily, on my laptop, did a bit of research on Colliers. Gonna have an interview tomorrow.

So you see my MSN was on, and out comes Jialing's msg!!
"Yoz... I got your marketing Quiz back for you guys!!!" You see, I successfully chuck it into space, and all of a sudden that piece of memory got sucked back into my memory!!!"

Shucks!!! Luckily when I saw the Msg, she has gone offline. So I'm happy again.
Whee Whee!!!!!


This Morning, I saw the email Jialing sent to show us our grades. I know I should have just click Shift-Del. But I didn't.

And I saw My grades!!! Boohoohoo!!!!


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