Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Whee.... In dilemma...

Whee.. I'm just back from KTV!!! Whee!!!! But there was only Choo, Yanlong, Joyce and Me... But it was fabulous and real fun to be screaming away and 走音ing away. Haha.. Yanlong has the Best 走音 voice... I wonder whether I have the video.. may load it up onto youtube. See how my mood goes....

Later then upload pix... haha... it's so dark...

How... How.... How... Should I go to Nines??!!! I'm in a big dilemma...

Devil: Go Go Go Have Fun!! You deserve it!!!
Angel: Don't listen to that red horny little man! Don't go... Your toe is injured! Don't cramp your toe into the boots, it will get infected!!!!!! Plus You need to help Your Sis!!!
Devil: But all your friends are going!!!
Angel: Toe is important!!!! You wouldn't want to hurt your toe again right?
Devil: Stupid Angel!
Angel: Stupid Devil!!
Angel and Demon Fought.. and went to the hospital.. Woeilin have not solve her dilemma.


1 comment:

jess the princess said...

you damn rubbish!! hhaha.. ur schizo!!